Sheena Matheiken's Uniform Project Photograph: Sheena Matheike (image from Guardian Online)
We may all find it a struggle each day to find and put together an outfit we feel comfortable exudes style and something different, the dilemma of creating that same old little black dress into something special and unique which no one would recognise. Well Sheena Matheiken is attempting to do just that, her fantastic project, theuniformproject.com sees her wear the same dress for 365 days a year taking substianal fashion to the max all in the name of charity of course. The idea derived from the uniformity of school clothes where you would add twists, with accessories to help create a more indvidual look, stand out from the crowd. Starting in May this year Matheiken has already styled the black shift dress in numerous creative ways. I have to admit that when looking through you begin to forget it is in-fact the same dress it almost transforms daily from shift to skirt to jacket. The dress (or should i say dresses 7 replica's- on for each day of the week) is the most ingeniously designed by Eliza Starbuck, it is constructed with all seasons in mind made out of light weight cotton it allows layering under or over and the clever button back means it can be worn both ways front or back.
Go check it out http://www.theuniformproject.com/ - the site has already received over 300,000 hits. be inspired, be creative, be eco-friendly and help such a wonderful cause! You also have the opportunity to donate unwanted accessories or pieces you may have made for Matheiken to wear. Already over $7000 in donations raised for the Akanksha Foundation who provide uniforms and other school essentials for children in India, Every penny raised helps as every child deserves an education!
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