Exit Through The Gift Shop
An ingenious title by an ingenious artist. I am actually so excited by this and the trailer has just wet my appetite for more, giggling at the little captions that were popping up I can see this film as being a must see for 2010!
Exit Through The Gift Shop will have its world premiere at the festival on Sunday as the Sundance Spotlight Surprise and will subsequently be released in UK cinemas on 5 March.
1xtra Presents... Alicia Keys: 'Hear it for London!'
unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos or film while she was performing, so only got a few...
excuse the awful filming! but this is part of the wonderful Interview with Trevor Nelson who opened the questions up to a few of the competition winner who had some great questions for Alicia. In this video she talks a bit about her inspiration for the new album and where the name The Element of Freedom came from. I agree with Trevor also when he mentions how this album really has a different sound ('global sound') to any of her previous albums, yet still equally as impressive.
Alicia Keys is so humble yet you have to admire her strength and passion for what she does. She is worthy of where she is today, she is a talented superstar who is not there just for the fame but is there because she loves what she does and i think that is a quality that is rare in this day and age. She is my idol and last night only confirmed to me more why I love her and it is a night i will never forget, i mean how could you!
I am truly appreciative of having the honour to even been given the chance by 1xtra to come and witness and be a part of such a special (& iconic) night. Thank you so much BBC 1xtra!
Make sure you tune into Trevor Nelson this Saturday (23rd) on BBC Radio 1 Xtra – Alicia Keys special 7.00pm-9.00pm bbc.co.uk/1xtra and catch the full session on Mon 7pm. Video online on Sat (look out for me dancing and singing away!)
Get Ya Bargains Here!
Louis Vuitton to hire Tony Blair... (yes I know!)
- Blairs sons Eaun and Nicky both got a luxurious internships courtesy of Arnault (not quite like the work experience we know) they had accomodation, bodyguards and a chauffeur-driven cars all provided for at a believed cost of at least £40,000 for Euan's two month internship.
- This may be mistaken for something out of The Hills but daughter Kathryn also benifited from Arnaults genoristy and was allowed to stay in his 20million pad in Paris during her time studying at The Sorbonne.
- Not to forget the millionaires essential yatch, 'Amadeus', which played host to the family in the Med while they popped in to see the Pope in 2007 and it was there port of call (excuse the pun) for the duration of there stay while attending the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008
Emma Watson puts her best leg forward!
Girl Meets Dress
Worried about little catches to this, well fear not, I had a few of the same preconceptions which luckily the fantastic Website, put my mind at rest finding out that your are able to try up to 3 dresses for free (- Shipping fees), choose from over a 100 designers, Borrow from just £24 and keep for 2 or 7 nights and simply when your are done send back the garment in a prepaid package where they even take care of all the dry cleaning! Sounds Perfect!
V Magazine- Dakota Cover
Dakota’s cover of V Magazine hits stands on January 14.
@StellaMagazine RT Who knew you can watch the entire series of 'Fashion House' on 4oD... see Gareth Pugh before the fame
This is why I love Twitter! Although a highly addictive ‘social networking site’ which fills my time with pointless 140 character messages of nothing-ness it does sometimes however unearth some great gems, and Thanks to Stella Magazine this tweet was one of them!
StellaMagazine Who knew you can watch the entire series of 'Fashion House' on 4oD... see Gareth Pugh before the fame http://bit.ly/4GqZrb
And to my delight here was my reply…
@StellaMagazine RT 'Fashion House', yay! whenever I mention it people never seem to remember it. All i can say is that Bikini!
Fashion House was the ‘original project catwalk’, and whoah does it brings back memories! Firstly how I religiously used to watch every episode each weekend on T4 secondly being how it funnily got me initially intrigued and determined to follow that ‘passion for fashion’ and aim to study it at university. All I remember thinking is wow those people have an amazing opportunity and one day I want to be there in that position!
And an impact it did make on little me and I managed to dig out this piece of work I did while I was at school! This explains my remembrance of the Monogram-tastic bikini in the final episode by builder/fashion graduate Lee.

Its enjoyable looking through old pieces of work, if like me you have stacks of it! Nice to see there is an actual development and progression happening throughout the years! And this piece is so cringe worthy, it made me chuckle at the naivety of my fashion knowledge back then, hence the major plastering of luxury brands all over this. If I member correctly this was only for my mock exam and therefore didn’t count, luckily!
Fashion house, when you watch back now seems so dated and I remember rushing in to school ready to have a good old gossip about the latest episode however I must have been alone as no-one I spoke to ever watched it! Which is like what happened while I was following my aspiring dream of fashion design stardom at Central Saint Martins I bumped into Lecturer David Kappo (the eccentric product manager in Fashion House), must admit I was a bit of a star-struck teenager, living outside of London you never bump into anyone who appears on TV!! Well no-one on the course knew what the hell I was on about when I was telling them our lecturer is on the show, too embarrassed and slightly worried I would scream out ‘OMG I love you on Fashion House’ I rightly decided to not ask him about it however was overwhelmed with joy when he told me he liked my design on the mannequin which I was getting pictured with. Alas he never saw the pining at the back holding it together and this was also the end of my designer hopes when I realized I’m hopeless at sewing!!
(If you don’t want me to plot spoil look away now) The stand out moments which I can recollect of Fashion House are how adorable Pippa was especially when David and her skipped down Rome’s pebbled streets and Gareth’s amazingly wacky and conceptual body stockings and massive bauble attire. It’s unfortunate to think that he never won the competition (they saw his designs as being to Avant-Garde) but he has now successfully made it in his own right. According to the ever reliable Wiki-P Pugh apparently referred to his stint on the show as "horrible" and his "only other option [to being on] the dole" .To be fair a year contract at Stella McCartney would of only held his creative flair back and thankfully now he is the shining star of British design talent!
I apologise this has been my first post in a while now but I felt Christmas was a time for a well-deserved rest and as I have been told by tutors enjoy this one while you can as when you get into year 3 you will not have one.
This is not to say I have not been working behind the scenes so to speak and have a few posts racked up ready to publish soon. X