Catherine announced that when she opened her shop over a year ago she never did have an official opening party so it was nice to have such a lovely turn-out of friends, colleagues and people whose work they admire to have almost a belated celebratory evening and with the possibility of sparking perhaps new collaborations and projects with each other. Everyone in attendance had nothing but praise for the the hostesses as it was interesting to find out that much alike my hometown of Reading, Southampton and the surrounding areas in the South are indeed a hotpot of creatives however it is much more dispersed. Unlike the capital were you can readily identify hubs of artistic/creative related areas, the towns and cities just outside London are in desperate need of such fantastic initiatives to help bring compatible groups of people together.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed myself so much so that the time ran away with me and I was so busily soaking up the atmosphere of the evening chatting non-stop that I really forgot to get snapping, however here are a few of my lonesome photographical offering from the evening, however be sure to check Sarah's blog for a professional take.