Uni trip to Paris
This was believe it or not my first ever time to Paris and I am now just rooting to going back, a few days was just not long enough! Above is me and the girls under the Effiel tower! when we got off the metro and saw it peering above the trees we actually all screamed. I was actually amazed at what an extraordinary structure it is, I kept thinking why does London not have something as impressive. It was actually freakily coincidental when Elise (far left) said that she had never seen the Tower all lighten up at night and then just than second all the twinkly lights fluttered up and down the Eiffel Tower, it looked so magical!
We had such a fun evening we went on the carousel (pic adapted by Elise), had some scrummy crêpes and finished off the evening with some lethal cocktails!
12th February- Paris Première Vision day
This was my First time at Premiere Vision which is a twice yearly press and buyer trade show just outside the centre of Paris.
The terminology of trend packages is what I love most, don’t you just love the names of each section?
§ Todays Yesteryear – traditional, blue and white French country toile pattern
§ Sugary two tones- Pastel pinks iridescent
§ Sprucley/ Precise – earthy, fresh Spring tones green, limes and yellows
§ Meticulous Perforations- bright shades, holes making up patterns layered cut outs.
§ Gingham Offshots- variations of gingham, unusual colour ways, enlarged pattern
§ Weightlessly Puffy – does what it says on the tin
§ Tenderly Washed – treated and several times washed fabrics, faded and distressed
§ Tasty flowers- eclectic granny net curtains
§ Dynamic Shadows- silvers, greys, 3D print and texture

Most images via www.premierevision.fr all others own photography

Eiffel Tower,
Première Vision

Found this stunning editorial in, would you believe it the Swarovski magazine, CRYSTALLIZED, which was left on a table in Premiere Vision at the end of the day, glad I picked it up as it is actually quite well designed 'brand' publication. This shoot particularly caught my eye as it has all the 1920's showgirl aesthetics which I dream about, If i could live in any other era, The 20's has to be it.
Photography by Sarah Moon and Styling by Mattias Karlsson
Romina Karamanea LFW
It was total blackout at Romina Karamanea A/W 10/11 show. A concise collection with maximum impact with detailing, and fabric textures. The mix of leathers with black tweed like panels added dimension to each and every piece, confirming that there really is nothing quite as elegant as noir head to toe. Black may be said to flatter the figure but matched with Romina Karamanea precise cuts the garments became even more desirable. Unsure on a certain neck plaited collar that reminded me of when I was 12 and brought something similar from a Spanish holiday which I then refused to take off for months on end even when School put a ban in place but then again that is just a personal reference.
The Hair, miniature plaits scrawled into twisted patterns onto the models head was gorgeous and especially reflected the draped leather links chains of the floor length gown. The make-up natural with just a slight lip stain was a good choice instead of trying to counteract the dark hues of the clothes which could of became distracting. All in all, a solid collection which although may seem fail safe the intricate detailing would make any piece a stand out.
London Fashion Week,
Romina Karamanea
In Research times like these, thank goodness for Twitter & FB!
Don't worry I have given myself a slap on the wrist for not posting in a while, although my life usually feels consumed by uni work, I have however been reluctant to get back into the swing of things since my Paris trip (more on that later)... so here it goes, attempting to rekindle the 'swing'.
I may be alone on this point but I really do love Research! Although others see it as a chore I find it the most interesting part of any project. I'm not sure if it is the picking up on new and different things or just able to be thorough, most likely both! Although I end up with often too much (I mean when is it ever too much?!) I do find the process enlightening, and recently had amazing responses from a style questionnaire I conducted. Focusing in Marketing I know the importance of understanding your demographic and to establish your consumer you must look at a disparate selection of consumers.
As the answers I received were fantastic (extremely helpful rather than just a yes or no), I want to share some of them with you! Style is such a personal thing and all these ladies below all have an inner enigmatic style and belief. Their shopping habbits are also unbelievably intriguing, from writing a list to consciously organising an outfit to wear on a shopping spree.
Shopping habits:
Reena Quoted on her blog about this particular photo:
I may be alone on this point but I really do love Research! Although others see it as a chore I find it the most interesting part of any project. I'm not sure if it is the picking up on new and different things or just able to be thorough, most likely both! Although I end up with often too much (I mean when is it ever too much?!) I do find the process enlightening, and recently had amazing responses from a style questionnaire I conducted. Focusing in Marketing I know the importance of understanding your demographic and to establish your consumer you must look at a disparate selection of consumers.
As the answers I received were fantastic (extremely helpful rather than just a yes or no), I want to share some of them with you! Style is such a personal thing and all these ladies below all have an inner enigmatic style and belief. Their shopping habbits are also unbelievably intriguing, from writing a list to consciously organising an outfit to wear on a shopping spree.
Fashion Imaging as communication student
1. How would you describe your style? What are you wearing today? How has your style evolved from say 3 years ago?
I would describe my style to be eclectic... a bit of everything- vintage, with some funkier colours... like switching things up a lot and changing my style to suit whatever I'm doing at the time... currently I am in my pj's but today I was wearing a polka dot playsuit which was from the 'buy it now' section in Topshop- (my fav section in the store!!)
My style has evolved greatly!!! As I saiid earlier it changes depending on my situation- changing from high school to college to uni and meeting new people, being in new surroundings has made my style change- i think it's always going to be changing!
2. Where do usually shop for clothes? Favourite Place/ Store/ website?
I usually shop for stores in a mixture of high st and vintage stores- Topshop, (Mostly buy it now section) Asos, Urban Outfitters, H&M (sometimes but too many people buy from there and everyone ends up looking like clones of each other!), then theres Beyond Retro, Absolute Vintage, Spitalfields, Camden, East St Market, Portobello, Markets in Paris, Oxfam.
3. If you can remember what is the most expensive piece of clothing you have brought? Or more treasured item?
My most treasure item... a ring my Grandma bought me from Past Times
4. What will you be wearing next season? Or believe is going to be a big trend?
NExt season... it will probably still be cold here in England so I'll still be wearing warm clothes- cardi's (etc) but will switch it up by swapping blacks and greys for nude colours which I am really into!
5. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Hobbies?
5.Hobbies: Photographing, filming, drawings, picninicing!, strolling, going to the gym, swimming, dancing, socialising.
6. What is your Favourite?
6.Film... I have so many- White Christmas, The notebook, Pearl Harbour, A beautiful mind, Any Stan Brakhage film
book: The secret
Magazine: TOO MANY!
Music: Blues, Soul, some R&B, Folk,Jazz.
7. Any tips, quotes or advice you believe in or live by?
7. Wise words... Believe in love at first sight.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
Spend some time alone.
Be open-minded, open your heart but be quick to close it when something goes wrong!
1. The main reasons why I go shopping is to find something that I'm looking for, sometimes to cheer myself up and to add something new and special to my wardrobe.
2.I go shopping about once a month... not as often as I want though as sometimes I have to buy pressies for other people and so prioritise those as well as bills!! I do love shopping online- i love the exclusivity of online stores and love the whole experience... finding something purchasing and then the package arriving!!
3.My favourite days to shops are Sundays, and days in the week like Tuesday and Wednesday? These days are quiet as I prefer shopping in peace rather than having to clamber over so many people.
4. I actually don't mind shopping on my own, but occasionally do like going with one other friend- I'm not keen on group shopping! I do also like going with my boyfriend but hate that he gets bored after a while!
5. When shopping I dress casually but not too casual... making sure I still look stylish!! I don't like to try things on as I am completely aware of what does and doesn't suit my body and so just shop for my shape and style so don't really consider wearing 'comfy' clothes that I can easily take off!!
If parking my car I leave my coat in the boot as I hate having to carry things around with me other than my bag!
When I am older I would love to be shopping in heels all the time!!
6.I only ever write a list for things like xmas pressies or when shopping for a purpose like uni equipment! When shopping online I often check 'hot uk deals' before purchasing just to see if I can grab any vouchers or promotion codes.
7. I love shopping in a clean, warm shop that is not too busy. I cannot handle TK MAxx as it just always seems so messy!! but can't resist a bargain at the same time!
I like shopping in stores that are of good quality but reasonably priced!
Elise an incredibly talented artist/ illustrator/ film-maker, you name it she does it, Why not check her out and follow her on Twitter
Age: 25
Occupation: Online Marketing executive
I was browsing the Fashion Scout blog, and found...me! I think this was taken while I was waiting outside for the Bryce D'anice Aime show to start. The photo evoked 2 emotions:
1. Happiness - Fond memories of LFW in Sept
2. Regret - I kind of miss my long hair now!
Dress - Primark!
Can't say where all the jewellery is from, I was wearing a lot of it!
1. How would you describe your style? What are you wearing today? How has your style evolved from say 3 years ago?
My style is pretty eclectic. One day I'll be wearing all black with some killer heels, the next I'll be in a pretty dress. Today, I was at work so the outfit was pretty boring. Stripy H&M tee, black high waisted Zara skirt, black tights and black shoe boots. I still shop at the same places as 3 years ago, but my look is a lot more grown up now, it's evolved as lot since my student days!
2. Where do usually shop for clothes? Favourite Place/ Store/ website?
I don't have a favourite shop to be honest, I'm a real high street girl. I love the likes of Miss Selfridge, H&M, Zara, New Look
3. If you can remember what is the most expensive piece of clothing you have brought? Or more treasured item?
My favourite item is a faux fur shaggy faux fur jacket from Zara! It's a bit of a diva jacket
4. What will you be wearing next season? Or believe is going to be a big trend?
Underwear as outerwear! Very sheer things, bralets, lace, lots of pale colours - dove greys, creams, biscuity colours, pinks, sky blue
5. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Hobbies?
Blogging! Movies, hanging out with friends, eating
6. What is your Favourite?
film: Way too many to mention, I love old films and Japanese/Korean horror
music: Anything, but at the moment old school hiphop
book / magazine / newspaper: Elle, Harpers, Vogue, Nylon
7. Any tips, quotes or advice you believe in or live by?
Life's too short to worry, just do what feels right at the time. Don't have any regrets. Smile everyday
Reena not only beautiful she is a talented blogger also proving that you can have brains as well as beauty! Her Blog Fashion Daydreams is amazing and is definitely one of my firm favourites!
This image is from my vintage boutiques Spring / Summer 09 photoshoot. It represents myself (I am indeed the blonde on the right!) and my love for vintage, treasuring the past and my shopping habits embracing a more eco friendly way of buying clothes second hand. It also represents my favourite 'style' of bohemian dressing, long flowing fabrics, bare foot, outdoors!!
Name: Nicki Grainger
Age: 25
Occupation: Web editor and Vintage boutique owner
1. How would you describe your style? What are you wearing today? How has your style evolved from say 3 years ago?
I would describe my style as boho meets baby doll!! I love my vintage so tend to accessorise with alot from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Today for work I wore black wide fitted trousers, a leopard print vintage blouse, long gold pendant chain and black heels. Though when I get throught the front door i revert to leggings, mens shirts and oversized jumpers!
My style has evolved in the sense that I dress for my age a little more now!! longer length dresses and skirts and I'm more confident to try different styles of clothing.
2. Where do usually shop for clothes? Favourite Place/ Store/ website?,
For the high street I do like Topshop - though often I fear I will a little 'factory' produced as so many fashionistas shop there too! I like the Oxford circus branch as its the only place you can really combine a unique ensemble i feel! I sometimes dip into asos.com, Mango and Zara - and have recently swayed more towards charity shops, flea markets and ebay for more one off individual items. I also love Camden market for a shopping spree.
3. If you can remember what is the most expensive piece of clothing you have brought? Or more treasured item?
Honestly - i don't think I have ever spent more than £60 on a dress - which was a navy blue silk dress to wear to the Elton John show in Las Vegas! I'm terrible - I would rather buy more items for less cost than staple items for more cost! My most treasured item is probably my beaten up vintage YSL tan brown bag that I have had forever - it has been with me to Italy, USA, Festivals, parties....lots of memories with that bag!!
4. What will you be wearing next season? Or believe is going to be a big trend?
Well I try not to follow 'seasons' too closely, but allow myself to be inspired by trends instead. Otherwise, you end up with a closet full of shoulder pads and bum bags that only suit the current moment, and just look plain bizarre in two months time!! I'm quite a girly girl so will be wearing lots of sheer layers, big bows, Parisian looking Gossip girls style colours like nudes, pinks, lemons - icing sugar tones! Yes, I want to look like a french cupcake! I think it will be welcomed after the more harsh 80's glam look that has dominated recently.
5. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Hobbies?
I spend alot of time travelling and sourcing vintage for my online boutique. I love antiques and flea markets, and enjoy going to the cinema, theatre and dining out. My hobbies include taking photographs, painting, exploring new towns and cities and writing.
6. What is your Favourite?
film:I love highly visual films like The Moulin Rouge, Sin City, Chicago, biographies like Walk the line and Factory girl and soppy romances like The Notebook.
music: I like a total mixture!! I love sickly pop (GaGa, Lily Allen , Katy Perry e.t.c) Soft Rock (The Script, Vertical Horizon, Counting Crows) and women like Sheryl Crow, Sarah McGlachlan and Nerina Pallot.
book / magazine / newspaper: I read mags which include Elle, LOOK, glamour, Vogue and Cosmo, a few local Artsy publications and always buy odd looking dusty old books from charity shops which are usually about Marilyn Monroe, fashion illustrations, love or women who are empowered!
7. Any tips, quotes or advice you believe in or live by?
It's been said before many times, many ways - but I have found when it comes to both my style and my life that you have GOT to be yourself. Its taken me a long time to reach a point where I truly feel Im happiest in my own skin and to hell with what other people think.Whether it's donning an 'out there' dress, crazy make up - or even the men you choose to be with, if they dont adore you for being you, then they don't deserve to be in your life. fact!
On average, how often do you go clothes shopping? and would this be physically to stores or online?
I used to go physically shopping once a week (bad habit left over from uni!) but now go physically shopping once or twice a month now instead. I shop online (ebay e.t.c) probably once a month too.
Do you enjoy clothes shopping?
Yes I love it!! The whole experience of shopping is what I love, not just what I have in my shopping bag at the end of the day. I love shop front displays, the music, the shop layouts, feeling the fabrics and trying on different things that I might not normally wear.
The only thing I hate about shopping is changing rooms - I’m super fussy and they stress me out!! I hate it when you have bad changing room assistants, when they are boiling hot, poorly lit, messy, when people let their kids pull back your curtain when you're half naked (!!) and boutiques that don't have mirrors inside your cubicle. Phew - rant over!
Do you set a day or time aside purely just for a shopping trip? Is there a specific time or day you prefer to shop?
If I had my way I would shop during the week when it is quieter, but work means I have to go on dreaded saturdays! I often have at least one weekend in mind to go shopping though. I used to enjoy late night shopping too.
What would be your main reason for going shopping?
Below are a few suggestions please choose all that apply or add your own thoughts,
When I try to shop for something specific it never works!! So I buy as i see and store things up for special occassions. I mainly go to update my wardrobe - whether its to suit the current seasons weather or to add to my work wardrobe.
Who do you usually go shopping with? Or prefer to go with?
I actually don't like shopping with anyone!! I like to take my time, feel no pressure and wander round slowly. I dont mind helping my girlfriends find things for them, but if its for me I prefer going solo!
This may sound strange but do you, prepare beforehand for a shopping trip?
Do you consider what to wear?
i.e Dress smart? Especially if going to higher end or luxury stores?
Wear clothes that are easy to get on and off for when trying items on?
Wear layers for changing temperatures and weather?
Ensure you are wearing socks if intent on buying shoes?
I never tend to dress smart when I shop- as I dont shop in high end stores - im more scruffy and I suppose sometimes I feel i want to look funky if going to a trendy area of London for example, but mostly I just like to be comfortable. Clothes that are easy to take off, and comfy shoes are a must.
Do you plan your trip?
Write a shopping or wish list?
Print off web pages of items you like to seek them out?
Look for vouchers or money off coupons?
Make a route of what shops to go to first and last?
Take a shopper to avoid using plastic bags?
I usually take a giant pink polka dot shopper with me folded up in my bag, and always take a bottle of water. I make lists for other shopping - but not clothes, just food, stationery, presents e.t.c
What would attract you, or put you off from a certain store?
Ques? High Prices? Value for money? Loyalty points? Interesting window display? Helpful assistances? Well laid out? Tidy? Mess? Too much choice? Too little choice? Bright lighting? Heating to high/ low? Other?
Really busy shops put me off, Im happy to queue as long as its purely because of high volumes of people, not because tills are understaffed or staff are being dippy!! I also hate bad lighting in stores (i'm a lighting freak) and am really put off my young girls in stores who lack customer service and talk loudly as they work about their weekends/boyfriends/salary!
I'm attracted to stores which are great window displays, well dressed, polite staff, awesome changing rooms (see earlier rant!!) and good music helps.
Nicki is absolutely fantastic, I really appreciated her willingness to help me out and take the time to do this questionnaire. Her vintage clothing boutique The Cherry Closet is to die for, already have my firm eye on the bohemian tan clutch. I have also been a long term follower of her sweetly named The Cherry Blog with post upon post of inspiring imagery.
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