
Friday Night Late

Friday night lates at the V&A really did look so promising ... See here. An evening packed full of Archive related events, sessions, I had even made a military precision plan (or so I thought) of my nights proposed itinerary.

So the plan was that I would go to the talk first turns out after finding the grand library it was full and no one else was allowed in, possibly lucky as it was so dark in there I may of possibly dropped asleep in amongst the books. Well I put this down to nit arriving as early as I had hoped and made my way back over to the sackler centre to sign up for the blogging sessions to be told that there was no sign up as previous told at the main reception and infact I just needed to come back 10mins or so before, so I go off to grab something to eat and come back to a large que got into the confined computer room minus being able to be assigned to a computer. So perched at the back I had high hopes for the blogging session, turns out prehaps a little to high.

No disregard to the lovely blokes who were running the session however, it really did not tell me anything new and was to be honest delivered in a rather uninspiring way. I am no blogging expert granted, however two guys who obviously did not know a huge amount about fashion blogging yet trying to discuss this was beyond me, why did the V&A not try and secure indeed one of the many high profile fashion bloggers out there to give this presentation?

One thing that really did catch my eye was the work of John Delago  who uses old, vintage postcards to create 'new narratives' which evoke memories. He uses a variation of media in his work from collage, ink and paint which the develops into yet another beautiful memory fueled image.  

Again sadly when I arrived they had no materials left to create my own but see some other people who were lucky enough to give it ago below, they are quite impressive. 

The best comment of the night was while a group of us were admiring the creations a lady wondered whether people had used their own photographs until we all piped up and noticed how popular the little boy image truly was.... 

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